Surface Processing


Steam, instead of compressed air, is also efficient with MQL processes

In automotive engine and transmission manufacturing lines, cleaning parts between machining steps is now state-of-the-art practice. 这通常是用压缩空气来完成的,而压缩空气的产生需要消耗大量的能量. 从运营成本的角度来看,一个有利的选择是使用Ecoclean的EcoCsteam系统进行蒸汽清洗. 该解决方案也可以集成到生产线中,用于通过最少量润滑(MQL)方法加工的预清洗部件. 结果将是在下游水清洗明显增加浴槽寿命.

最小量润滑(MQL)代表了一种趋势,在铝和钢汽车动力总成部件的制造中迅速普及. This is hardly surprising, 由于精密油滴和压缩空气的混合物在机械加工中的超节省应用, e.g.,曲轴箱和曲轴,气缸盖和连杆提供了大量的节能. It also eliminates the costly and complex functions associated with the supply, disposal, reconditioning and storage of coolants. MQL的另一个优点是,它避免了人员暴露在高含油空气中,从而提高了工作的便利性. In all, 这项技术为汽车行业的可持续发展提供了许多好处.

But where there is light, there is also shadow. In MQL processes, the downside lies in part cleaning. The lubricant residue on the workpiece, although minimal in quantity, sticks extremely to the surface, gluing chips and particles in place, as it were. 这种效果要求在随后的水清洗循环中付出显著的额外努力, resulting in a greatly reduced bath life. Instead of lasting four weeks, as is common with machining processes based on standard coolants, 在MQL工艺的情况下,浴液必须在一周后更换.

这不仅会导致更高的清洁成本,还会降低工厂的可用性. 因此,OEM和动力总成部件制造商应该寻求一种解决方案,以最大限度地减少污染物进入清洁系统,从而再次延长清洁浴的使用寿命,这是合乎逻辑的.

Efficient pre-cleaning using wet steam

通常用于过程中清洁的压缩空气系统实际上对这种轻微但高度粘连的污染无效. 一个有效的替代方案是预先清洗工件与Ecoclean的蒸汽清洗系统EcoCsteam. 它依靠使用热湿蒸汽与高速气流相结合. Since the steam-cleaning operation is easy to automate, 该技术可以作为一个紧凑的模块化系统直接集成到生产线中, providing pre-cleaning within the specified cycle time.

Unlike conventional boiler-type systems, the EcoCsteam operates on the principle of flow-through water heating. 水通过装有加热盘管的管道系统,加热到最佳温度以排出MQL工艺残留物. The steam's moisture content is likewise adapted to the contamination. This special steam generating method not only minimizes water demand to a mere 250 – 300 milliliters per hour; it also provides steam of unchanging quantity and quality, and with constant properties in the cleaning operation. For enhanced cleaning performance, a cleaning agent may be added. 高速气流是由涡扇产生的,它既是载体又是加速介质. This causes significantly less operating cost than a compressed air system.
The water and steam throughput, 热输入和空气流量可以由EcoCsteam系统的控制器精确调节,并由PLC连续监控和调整.

Doubled bath life

在EcoCsteam过程中,水到蒸汽的转化只发生在喷嘴出口处. Shrouded all around by the high-velocity airflow, the steam jet is then focused onto the contaminated surface. Upon impact, the wet steam modifies the viscosity of the MQL residue. 后者被雾化成超细液滴,并被气流从工件表面排出, along with particles and chips. 这样除去的物质被送入综合过滤和处理装置. Here, 碎片被过滤出来并收集在一个单独的容器中,而水可以被修复或排放. 或者,蒸汽清洗模块可以连接到用户自己的处理系统.

Tests have shown that, depending on the complexity of the given surface, 至少50%的胶粘剂MQL残留物可通过蒸汽清洗工艺去除. The carryover of foreign matter into the cleaning system is thus cut by half. As a result, the service life of the cleaning bath is doubled. 这导致每个部件的成本明显降低:假设50%的清洁费用用于处理用过的液体和化学品, water and energy for new baths, 加倍的流体使用寿命意味着每个清洗部件可节省约25%的成本.

Advantageous also in intermediate cleaning of coolant-contaminated parts

在使用常规冷却剂的加工循环之间也可实现最佳的中间清洗. 与依赖于昂贵的压缩空气的解决方案相比,EcoCsteam系统节省了运营成本. In addition, 与皮带清洗系统相比,蒸汽清洗技术需要更少的占地面积,其特点是循环时间特别短. Moreover, the cleaning process is carried out without chemicals, 仅使用加或不加可选缓蚀剂的水.
As an invariably clean medium, 蒸汽也为动力传动系统部件的生产提供了许多进一步的应用选择. One example is the spotless cleaning of polished surfaces, e.g., of crankshafts or camshafts, 在此之前,他们的视觉检查由自动光学图像识别系统.

Author: Doris Schulz

Mr. Manfred Hermanns

Phone: +49 (0)2472 83-0
Email: manfred.hermanns(at)

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